Multi-Select List Box Control
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/Multi-Select List Box Control.xml
By including the %M% directive in the definition of a list box, you convert the list box from a single-select to a multi-select control. For example, the following script allows you to select multiple cities:
Check Box-List Box Control
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Xdialog/Controls/List Box/Check Box-List Box Control.xml
A check box-list box is a control type that displays a list of choices in a list box. Each entry has a check box to the left of the entry. The user can select multiple entries in the list box by checking the check box for each entry that he wants to select.
Check Box List Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/Check Box List Box Control Syntax.xml
A control type that displays a list of choices in a list box.
List Box (Drop-down) Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/List Box _Drop-down_ Control Syntax.xml
The value of Variable_Name is a base-1 index if the variable is declared as Numeric. If undeclared or left un-initialized, the variable is a string that returns the text of the choice that is selected.
Record List - Combo Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Record List/Record List - Combo Box Control Syntax.xml
The Record List - Combo Box Control provides a dynamic view of selected records and fields from a table or set.
Advanced Record List - List Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Record List/Advanced Record List - List Box Control Syntax.xml
The Record List - List Box Control provides a dynamic view of selected records and fields from a table or set.
Button List Control Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/UX/buttonlist methods/index.xml
Available methods for a Button List Control Object.
Record List - Edit Combo Box Control Syntax
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Record List/Record List - Edit Combo Box Control Syntax.xml
The Record List - Edit Combo Box Control provides a dynamic view of selected records and fields from a table or set and allows users to input or edit field values.
ViewBox as a Basic List Control
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Data Controls/ViewBox/ViewBox as a Basic List Control.xml
You can format a ViewBox to look and act like a List Control.
List Control Client-side Events
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/List Properties/listprops/List Events/index.xml

Client-side events for the List can be utilized to perform additional tasks when an event, such as clicking a list row or creating a new record, occurs.